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Quest News Issue 72 - 6th February 2023

Education is one thing no one can take away from you

Welcome to Issue 72 of Quest News. We have 15 hours of off-the-job training for apprentices in care and education to read and learn.

Events of the week

February 7 Safer Internet Day 2023

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Safer Internet Day 2023 is on 7th February and will be celebrated with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.

Approx. 60 mins

February 6 - #ReclaimSocial 2023

February 6 - February 12 - National Apprenticeship Week 2023

February 6 - February 12- Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2023

February 6 - February 12 - Tinnitus Awareness Week 2023

February 6 - February 12 - Student Volunteering Week 2023

February 6 - February 12 - Children’s Mental Health Week 2023


Confidentiality Policy

A confidentiality policy explains how the company expects its employees to treat the information they receive about clients, partners and the company and make sure it remains well-protected.

Approx. 60 mins


Emily Atack: Asking For It?

During lockdown, the abuse Emily received escalated dramatically, and she began to share the things she was receiving to understand whether she should be just accepting what was happening to her. To her surprise, so many other women from all walks of life came forward to say it was happening to them too, and that they also just thought it was normal. In the documentary, Emily tries to understand why she, and the women contacting her, have normalised this for so long, and questions why the blame for unwanted male attention is so often put on the victim of the abuse.

The film follows Emily as she continues the debate that took her to Parliament in February 2022 to try and make cyber-flashing illegal. She explores whose responsibility it is to make this behaviour stop, whether enough is being done to protect young women and girls online, and what needs to change.

She looks to men themselves, trying to understand the psychology behind this behaviour, and she also reaches out to try and speak with some of the men directly who routinely send her sexually explicit content.

She also delves deep into her own story, unpicking things that have happened to her as a result of attracting unwanted sexual attention from a very young age. She speaks to her parents about this for the very first time and reflects on how these incidents have shaped her, in the hope that she can finally stop blaming herself.

Approx. 60 mins

Safeguarding and ED & I

Inspections and children with SEND

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published new guidance for inspecting arrangements in the local area for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in England. Ofsted and CQC will carry out a series of thematic visits each academic year and the guidance includes information on: the purpose of these visits; an overview of visit activities; and handling significant concerns for inspectors.

Approx. 40 mins

#WakeUpWednesday: Tips for Encouraging Open Discussions about Digital Lives

7 February is Safer Internet Day: the annual event to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital tech among children and young people. This year’s title is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’ – giving young voices a platform to shape the kinds of online safety support that they receive.

Simply checking in with children regularly about their experiences – both good and bad – in the digital world is a brilliant way to engage with what they’re currently into online, while also acting as a valuable early warning system about potential issue. To support Safer Internet Day, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some top tips for initiating these helpful catch-up chats.

Approx. 30 mins

Getting Ready for Safer Internet Day 2023

Safer Internet Day is one of our most celebrated days of the year and encourages everyone across a global scale to make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people. Coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre, January is the time to get involved and share your support across your school or organisation for this year’s theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations online’. Luckily, there is already plenty you can do to get involved!

Approx. 30 mins

Podcast Episode Discussing Online Wellbeing and Young People

We have just released our latest podcast episode for Interface which discusses the online wellbeing of young people and how they can develop healthier relationships with technology. This episode is joined by guest speaker Catherine Knibbs, UKCP accredited psychotherapist and cyber trauma expert, who speaks with Jess McBeath and our young podcast presenter Ailish Hunter around the subject.

Approx. 30 mins

How TikTok is Responding to Sexually Suggestive Content Online

Last year we were pleased to announce our latest partnership as TikTok and Bumble Inc. joinined in the fight against intimate image abuse across the world.

Approx. 30 mins

Instagram Introduces ‘Quiet Mode’

Many social media platforms regularly update their settings to improve user experience. In more recent times, major platforms have made significant changes in the way content is presented to users and have even implemented features to support digital wellbeing. Instagram announced many updates last year including the ‘Take a Break’ feature, new sensitive content control options as well as launching new technology to support age verification. Now, they have released a new feature called ‘Quiet Mode’ as well as additional ways to help users manage what content they see.

Approx. 30 mins

Why language matters: child sexual abuse materials

NSPCC Learning has published the latest post in its Why language matters blog series, looking at why you should never use the term ‘child pornography’. The blog looks at the impact of terminology on safeguarding children, and advocates for the use of the term ‘child sexual abuse materials’ to accurately describe the materials and to avoid minimising the seriousness of both the crime and the harm caused.

Approx. 30 mins

Adverse childhood experiences

The Public Health Institute at the Liverpool John Moores University has published a report on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) which looks at current research and how to tackle ACEs. The report explores the impact ACEs can have on: early child development; education; and the health and development of the children of people with ACEs. The report sets out strategies that can prevent or mitigate the impacts of ACEs such as strengthening families and developing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children.

Approx. 45 mins

Children in poverty

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has published a report on poverty in the UK which identifies recent trends across characteristics and impacts. Findings from various data sources and insights include: 3.9 million children were living in poverty in 2020/21, 27% of the UK's child population.

Approx. 30 mins

Dealing with Body-Confidence for Young People – ChildLine

The world is now more superficial than ever before – tiktok, Instagram, snapchat and others have standardized, what the world expects people to look like. What the world expects when someone is termed ‘beautiful’. For young people, the standard idea of beauty has always been an immense pressure for those transitioning between being a child and being a young person. Most of this transition occurs during secondary schools, and this puts an immense pressure on pupil’s to conform with these ideas in order to be popular, or to fit within a group of friends. With an increasingly image based society low confidence among teenagers has become a far greater issue. Bullying and stigmatization against those who don’t fit or don’t think they fit within these standardized visions of how you should look, has an immensely negative effect on young people’s mental health. And that can have a negative effect on educational performance and attendance.

To help young people with this, ChildLine has created a page over on their site with advice on these issues. It would be an ideal resource for those putting together an assembly on these matters, or simply planning a lesson for their year group.

Approx. 30 mins

Bullying in Focus – NSPCC

Bullying is a social phenomenon which exists across all of society. Be it at work, within families or in public spaces. Yet it has always been especially prevalent in schools. The intense pressure to fit within a certain box, or to be liked or adored by your peer base is the overriding drive of many pupils. Even to the point that it takes precedent over their education. But simply because it’s been prevalent throughout all human societies, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do what we can to ameliorate the situation.

From an educational perspective, thousands of days of teaching time are lost to bullying, through child absences. The toll such group behaviour can take on a child’s mental health will almost certainly lead to them missing out on schooling, with the predictable consequences of diminished life chances. However, simply because it is prevalent does not mean it’s easy to detect or eliminate. Children who are bullied will often hide it from parents and teachers, concerned with feeling weak or helpless, at a time in their lives when they’re increasingly being encouraged to stand on their own two feet. As such they’ll shy away from those who can help. The NSPCC has published a page on their site dedicated to helping you detect those warning signs which can be so vital when dealing with these issues.

Approx. 30 mins

Bullying CPD Courses - Anti-Bullying Alliance

Great strides have been made in dealing with bullying the past couple of decades. It has gone from a practice which had tacit approval in some quarters of the educational world, as simply part of development to something universally deplored. Much of that work has been done through organizations such as the Anti-Bullying Alliance. Who have published a series of free CPD online training courses on the matter. Bullying may be a permanent fact in human culture, but that doesn’t mean its forms don’t change over time. With courses such as ‘Bullying and the Law’ and ‘Cyberbullying’ you can stay on top of the phenomena, and be equipped with the best knowledge on how to deal with it.

To get access to these courses please follow the link below:

Approx. 30 mins

Understanding Grooming - Victim Support

Like bullying grooming has been a part of societies throughout the ages. In the past this occurred face-to-face, through the manipulation of underaged individuals by persons of majority age. This occurred mainly in schools, religious institutions and within the family. The internet has proved to be a disruptive technology for those who had always been interested, in insidious behaviour towards young people. Throughout the internet revolution over the past three decades, online relationships between individuals have become normalised. Young people and increasingly children, get to know people they’ve never met through video games, Instagram and snapchat. But this has gone hand in hand with an increase in child-grooming using these devices. The rise of face changer apps, voice changer apps and loopholes in sectors like the dating app market have made it easier than ever before to groom children. At Victim Support, they’ve put together a page which focuses on this issue. On it you’ll find a guide to what grooming is, and how young people can help themselves be aware of the issue. Another excellent resource for putting on an assembly or addressing a class on the issue of grooming and how to be properly armed to deal with it.

Approx. 30 mins

Health & Safety

Anxiety or Autism?

Dr Asha Patel, Clinical Psychologist and CEO of Innovating Minds explores the topic of anxiety and autism, providing an insight into the impact of discussions being held around the concept of a child’s needs being a result of them experiencing autism or mental health.

Approx. 20 mins

Would it be Right to Make Vaccination Mandatory?

Vaccination against disease has saved countless lives, yet it remains a controversial topic because of concerns some hold about safety and potential harms. Should we be legally required to vaccinate ourselves and our children? How important is individual choice when balanced against saving lives? To what extent should vaccination of children be a matter for parents or the state?

This lecture considers the challenges we face in fighting disease while remaining a democratic, liberal society.

Approx. 60 mins

Bupa Care Homes fined £400k after falling tree crushes child

A care home provider has been fined £400k after an eight-year-old girl suffered catastrophic injuries when a tree fell on her.

Approx. 30 mins

Wider Curriculum

Specialist child protection social workers to be piloted in DfE care review response

Long-awaited DfE children's social care strategy also includes plan for early career framework and for councils to recruit up to 500 social work apprentices, along with consultation on reducing agency staff use

Approx. 30 mins

Unions seek 12.7% pay rise for council social workers

UNISON, GMB and Unite say above-inflation rise for 2023-24 is only way to recruit and retain local authority staff

Approx. 30 mins

Children are in ‘extreme crisis’: top judge berates DfE’s six-year failure to tackle ‘gross’ lack of secure units

Family court president welcomes apparent government shift in recognising responsibility to address situation in which 60-70 children are waiting each day for a secure placement

Approx. 30 mins

40% of people delayed in hospital awaiting social care package

Figures, revealed in government plan to reduce hospital pressures, comes as council leaders criticise "narrative of blaming" social care for delays

Approx. 30 mins

Placements ‘do not exist’ for asylum-seeking children in hotels – ADCS

Directors' body welcomes extra funds for councils to take in children but warns placement shortage must be addressed to end use of hotels

Approx. 30 mins

Children’s care

Article 39 has published the results of its survey looking at what care means to children. Findings from a survey of 355 16- to 17-year-olds in England include: 97% of 16- and 17-year-olds believe that it is necessary for children their age to have someone who shows or tells them that they are loved; and 96% stated that it is necessary for 16- and 17-year-olds to have someone who can protect them if they are ever in danger (at home or somewhere else).

Approx. 30 mins

Looked after children

The Children’s Commissioner for England has published a report looking at the issues facing children in care in England. The report includes a literature review and presents an analysis of responses from 2,261 children in care who responded to the Commissioner’s national consultation exercise, The Big Ask. The report looked at the barriers children felt they faced to achieving what they wanted to, including issues around health, jobs, and inequality. The report explains that professionals supporting children in care and care leavers should have high aspirations for them and support them in every aspect of their lives to pursue their ambitions.

Approx. 30 mins




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