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Quest News: Issue 51 - 6 September 2022

Legislation of the week – Health and Safety at work act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. It's sometimes referred to as HSWA, the HSW Act, the 1974 Act or HASAWA.

It sets out the general duties which:

employers have towards employees and members of the public

employees have to themselves and to each other

certain self-employed have towards themselves and others.

Video of the week – The Big Cases

The biggest crime stories and court cases in the UK. The fights for justice, the investigations, and the stories of those affected by the crimes.

7 Episodes Available

Event of the week – Festival of Learning Have a Go Month 2022 September 1 - September 30

Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of lifelong learning in England. Our aim is to celebrate the benefits of lifelong learning and inspire more people to have a go at learning for themselves.

Have a Go Month is when we encourage organisations and learning providers to offer free learning activities for adults, such as taster sessions, online learning, talks or lectures, open days and more. We also welcome organisations running free learning events for Festival of Learning at other times of the year.

Depression: a compassionate view

This free short online course will help you to see what it is really like to live with and care for someone with depression by providing a practical and theoretical insight to depression.

Guidance for safeguarding deaf children, young people and their families

Over 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents with little or no experience of deafness, what this will mean for their children, and how they should respond.

Therefore, access to some level of support is vital, particularly following identification and in the early years where parents play a critical role in developing their child’s language and communication and setting the foundations for socio-emotional development.

Working Together 2018 specifically makes an important link between equalities legislation and how services must carry out their duties with regard to disabled children, which includes deaf children.

Child to parent abuse

This summary of the report by Dr Amanda Holt tackles the complex nature of the abuse, the different stages of abuse and recommendations for supporting those impacted by this abuse

The topic of child to parent abuse is one which is plagued with stigma.

The stigma which comes from experiencing abuse within a family, coupled with the stigma of parenting a child which can be labelled as ‘difficult’ means speaking out about this abuse can extremely challenging.

Safeguarding voice

Check the latest podcast, where we joined up with the amazing organisation Gamcare to talk about all things gambling.

Listen to Craig De Vos and Heather McDaid discuss impacts, legalisation and support services.

This is a series of Podcasts which includes, Poverty and it's link to safeguarding, Mental Health and its link to Safeguarding, Managing Allegations Against Staff - 'Low-level Concerns'. And many more.

WakeUpWednesday: Spot the Online Safety Tips for Going Back to School

Summer 2022. Lionesses. Heatwaves. Commonwealth Games. Lightyear. She-Hulk. Then we blinked, and suddenly it was “new term” this and “back to school” that. Here’s the good news, though – another school year means months of fresh online trends to jump on, different things to message about, and cool new games to play – for the kids anyway!

But six weeks off means it’s easy to become complacent, forgetful or even ignorant towards using the internet safely – which, as we all know, can be a mistake. That’s why we’ve created this guide to jolt a few memories and make-sure children begin the new term as they mean to go on!

“Someone To Talk To” - Educational Professionals Praise Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service

The Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service created by SWGfL and the Marie Collins Foundation has provided invaluable support and guidance to the education sector since its launch in January this year, having helped hundreds of professionals across England.

Early years services

Action for Children has published a report looking at the provision of early years services and parenting support in England. A survey was conducted with 2,000 parents about their experiences accessing parental support in the early years. Findings include: 66% of parents wanted more high-quality parenting support; and 35% of parents in the lowest household income group faced difficulty in accessing support. The report calls for the government to address issues around unequal access between regions and demographic groups and to invest in improving access.




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