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Matthew Paminter

Monday News Issue 133- 24th June 2024

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough”

Events this week:

June 24th- June 30th- Deafblind Awareness Week

June 24th- June 30th – Injury Awareness Week 2024

June 24th- June 30th- World Wellbeing Day 2024

June 26th- National Writing Day 2024


Legislation/Regulation of the week

The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 is a key piece of legislation for businesses when they’re recruiting new staff members and volunteers. It was passed to help avoid businesses recruit people who are deemed unsuitable to work with children. It developed a centralised vetting process that all those who would potentially work closely with children need to go through.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)

Please remember to review this in your policy/legislation review workbook)


Videos of the week

Code Blue

Crime Documentary exploring the UK’s reported 82 one-punch attacks in the past 5 years. With rare access to detectives, the film probes three cases- two killings and one assault.

 (Watching this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 90 mins)


Event of the week/month

World Wellbeing Day 2024

The awareness week celebrates all areas of wellbeing, ‘From meaningful and purposeful work to financial security, physical, mental, and emotional health, social resilience, empathic corporate and civic leadership, community relations, and environmental care.’

We wholeheartedly agree that wellbeing incorporates a range of diverse dimensions. This is why we work collaboratively with organisations to embed a proactive prevention strategy which empowers them to create positive mental health in and through work.

This year, World Wellbeing Week is running from Monday 24 to Sunday 30 June, and we are encouraging our Supporters to start the conversation within their own organisations and across their networks.

(This can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)

Safeguarding & ED & I


Putting Children First: A Manifesto for Babies, Children and Young People

As a coalition of children’s charities working in Wales, we are calling for all parties to prioritise babies, children and young people during and after the UK General Election.  

We ask that all political parties commit to ambitious policies which improve the lives of all children and families in Wales, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged; tackles climate change; ends child poverty and protects the human rights of all children.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 mins)

Child predators are using AI to create sexual images of their favorite ‘stars’: ‘My body will never be mine again’

Safety groups say they’re increasingly finding chats about creating images based on past child sexual abuse material

Predators active on the dark web are increasingly using artificial intelligence to create sexually explicit images of children, fixating especially on “star” victims, child safety experts warn.

Child safety groups tracking the activity of predators chatting in dark web forums say they are increasingly finding conversations about creating new images based on older child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Many of these predators using AI obsess over child victims referred to as “stars” in predator communities for the popularity of their images.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


How staff support ensures fantastic outcomes for children and families

“In order for practice to thrive and meet children’s needs, you have to have a highly skilled, stable and consistent workforce across the whole of a children’s service,” says Ann-Marie Matson, the new director of children’s services at North East Lincolnshire Council.

Since assuming the role in mid-December 2023, Ann-Marie has successfully recruited a permanent senior leadership team, including a team of service directors, deputy service directors, service leads and a principal social worker.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Third of recent infant care cases involved parents with learning disabilities or difficulties – research

Parents missed out on support to develop their parenting abilities because their conditions were not identified until late, partly because of a lack of social worker training and time.

A third of recent infant care cases involved parents with learning disabilities or difficulties, research has found.

However, in most cases, parents’ conditions were only identified at the court stage, in part because social workers lacked the time and training to do so.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)


Stronger guidance and controls needed to protect children from screen time, Education Committee finds

There has been a 52% increase in children’s screen time between 2020 and 2022; nearly 25% of children and young people use their smartphones in a way that is consistent with a behavioural addiction.  

Screen use has been found to start as early as six months of age. One in five children aged between three and four years old have their own mobile phone, increasing to one in four children by age eight and to almost all children by age 12. The amount of time those aged 5–15 years old spent online rose from an average of nine hours per week in 2009, to 15 hours per week in 2018.  

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins


Children’s experiences as victims of crime

As Children’s Commissioner, I advocate for all children in England. However, my role was born out of the acute need to hear the voices of the most at risk children. Child victims of crime are among the most vulnerable – too often excluded from a justice process designed with adults in mind, and overlooked when it comes to specialist support to recover.

It will always be my ultimate ambition to prevent any child from becoming a victim of crime. I recently published my Big Ambition for the children of England, based on the findings of a survey which reached 367,000 children and adults on their behalf. The recommendations are far-reaching in scope – spanning every aspect of a child’s life. Taken in the whole, I think these measures would radically reduce the number of children affected by criminality.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)


Health & Safety


What causes dizziness and when should you worry?

The list of causes of dizziness is almost endless - but problems with your inner ear cause a special kind of dizziness called vertigo. If you have vertigo, you don't just feel dizzy - the world spins around you and makes you feel woozy or light-headed. Vertigo can affect your balance, make you unsteady on your feet, and feel generally unwell. You may also experience feelings of sickness or vomit.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


Living with Motor Neurone Disease - Louise's story

During a career helping patients living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Dr Louise Jordan was diagnosed herself. In her own written words, she shares with us her personal story of losing her speech, getting diagnosed, living with motor neurone disease, and receiving support, love, and care from partner Rob.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


Health and safety in care homes

This guidance is intended to help those providing and managing care homes – to give them a better understanding of the real risks and how to manage them effectively. It has been extensively rewritten, with a number of new topics, and brings together key messages on risks to both workers and residents. It will also be of interest to others working in social care.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Health and Safety for Apprentices

Every apprentice should feel safe and happy in their working environment. You should never be put in a dangerous situation or be asked to do something potentially risky without proper training.

When anyone starts a new job there will always be things they don’t know about the workplace. If you are unsure of something ask. There are many laws in place to ensure employers operate a safe workplace and keep their staff informed of any hazards involved in the job. In addition trade unions have special representatives called Health and Safety representatives whose role is to support and advice on safe working environment.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Wider Curriculum


Young people reveal challenges of caring role in new film supported by Barnardo's

A group of young carers in Aberdeen have created an exciting new film inspired by retro video games based on their caring experiences.

With support from leading children’s charity Barnardo’s and community media organisation Station House Media Unit (SHMU), the group of six spent almost three months learning about filmmaking before unveiling their masterpiece where each ‘level’ includes different aspects of being a young carer and some of the challenges they may face within their role.

The film – entitled ‘Young Warriors’ – was made possible thanks to support from the Health Improvement Fund through Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership. A young carer is someone up to the age of 18 who cares for a relative, friend, or neighbour who may have physical health needs, emotional care needs or require practical help.  

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Kinship Care Survey

A kinship carer is a family member or friend who raises children who are not able to live with their parents. Children raised by kinship carers feel loved and secure. But many kinship carers live in impoverished circumstances, and this can impact on support for the children:

  • 3 out 4 of kinship carers experience severe financial hardship.

  • 49% of kinship carers had to give up work permanently to raise the children.

  • 8 out 10 people agree that kinship carers should receive financial support.

  • Many kinship carers face crippling legal costs to secure the child’s future.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


The racialised harm of police strip searches

Runnymede Trust analysis of new Home Office strip search data shows that Black people are disproportionately strip searched by nearly all police forces in England and Wales. Black children are 6.5 times more likely than white children, and Black adults 4.7 times more likely than white adults, to be strip searched by police.

This new data comes alongside a Home Office consultation on the use of strip search against minors. This follows the abhorrent strip search of Child Q, a Black girl who was strip searched while on her period in her school in Hackney, east London, without an appropriate adult present, after being wrongly accused of smelling of cannabis.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 mins)


What makes a good assessment?

Good quality assessments help us understand the lives of the children and families we work with. They play a vital role in identifying a family's existing or potential needs, strengths, risks and protective factors. Assessments are central to planning, deciding and reviewing what actions, if any, are needed to support or safeguard children.

Case reviews, research and reports repeatedly highlight the challenges faced by social workers conducting increasingly complex assessments in an environment of rising demand and tightening budgets. They also highlight key elements of good practice.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)



How refugees transform and enhance our societies

 A sobering reminder of the immense challenges faced by millions of refugees and displaced people around the world. It is shocking to think that one in every 69 people was forcibly displaced in 2023, as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, and more.

Since October 2023, over 75% of the population has been displaced within the Gaza Strip, with some having been forced to flee multiple times. The numbers don’t lie.  The number of displaced people has been increasing every year, for the last 12 consecutive years.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


A beginner’s guide to voting in the general election

The general election is here – it’s time to vote for action on climate and nature. But how does it all work? Here’s a quick guide to casting your vote. Throughout Thursday 4 July people all across the UK elect their government representatives for the next five years.

Here’s how to make sure you have a say – and elect the best candidate for you and your community.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


How to Maintain Hope in the Face of Climate Chaos

Hope is not always easy to maintain when we are constantly bombarded with bad news and facing increasing climate chaos.

Whether or not we ourselves are directly affected, the impacts of our actions on global temperatures and patterns are ever-present, and every day, it seems we hear more of the negative impacts of human action.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 min)


An Idiot’s guide to change the world- Refugees: Our capacity to love is infinite (E2)

Globally, more than 84 million people have been forcibly displaced. What protection do refugees have? How can we help those forced to flee their homes? In episode 2, we hear powerful stories of strength and solutions from Jaz O’Hara, Amali Tower, Ilwad Elman and Hamed Amiri.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 min)




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