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Matthew Paminter

Monday News Issue 129- 20th April 2024

“If you are asked to get on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on”

Events this week:

May 20th- May 26th- Action for brain injury awareness week 2024

May 20th- May 26th - Water Saving Week 2024

May 20th- May 26th – Type 2 Diabetes Prevention month 2024

May 24th- May 30th- National Conversation Week 2024


Legislation/Regulation of the week

Type 2 Diabetes: The Equality Act 2010

Type 1, 2 and all other variants of Diabetes are generally recognised as a disability under the Equality Act 2010 or if you live in Northern Ireland, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 . This law protects an individual from disability discrimination at work and in the wider society. It also grants the individual certain rights and extra support when needed.

The 2010 Equality Act also outlines that every person must be treated as an individual, therefore a person with Diabetes may not always be classed as disabled- with only a court or tribunal being capable of deciding. It is for this reason that Diabetes is also commonly regarded and classed as an unseen or invisible disability because of the emphasis on individual experience. Some may choose to wear a verified hidden or unseen disability lanyard, which is widely recognised by its discreet sunflower icon.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)

Please remember to review this in your policy/legislation review workbook)


Videos of the week

Joey Essex: Grief & Me

After ten years in the reality TV spotlight, it might appear that everything in Joey Essex’s life is ‘reem’. But fame and a luxury lifestyle haven’t been able to heal the grief he has kept inside for 20 years. Now, as he turns 30, Joey wants to embark on a deeply personal journey to take stock of his life and, for the sake of his future, finally confront his past. 

Every year, 41,00 young people lose a parent in the UK. At the age of just ten, Joey's world was ripped apart when his mum tragically took her own life. Unable to comprehend the loss, Joey has spent the next 20 years of his life burying his grief. He has kept his emotions hidden, rarely spoken about his mother and avoided having pictures of her in his home. But now, as he leaves his twenties behind, he is ready to confront his trauma so he can move forward with his life. 

(Watching this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 90 mins)


Event of the week/month

Water Saving Week

Water-Saving Week, from May 27 to 31 this year, is an annual online event that aims to promote awareness of water-related concerns. The week-long campaign seeks to raise awareness about the need of reducing water waste to manage climate change, maintain our environment healthy, and assist local communities in thriving.

The organization hopes to link people to how being water-efficient may help communities and animals thrive, lower our carbon footprints, save money, and help keep the United Kingdom beautiful by sharing ideas, solutions, and associated issues. Water-Saving Week isn’t simply about regulators devising long-term policies. It is about each individual thinking more deliberately about how we use water, appreciating it more, and vowing to use less of it.

(This can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)

Safeguarding & ED & I

The effects of child sexual abuse and how we can respond to it.

Researchers conducted a study to explore the impact of child sexual abuse (CSA), particularly through technology-assisted means (TA-CSA), in an increasingly digital world. They collaborated with institutions like the University of Bath, University of Birmingham, and CEOP. Through interviews and questionnaires with young people aged 15-19 recruited via NSPCC, Childline, and the National Crime Agency, they aimed to understand TA-CSA's effects. The study also considered professionals' perceptions of TA-CSA and its impact on young people.

The study employed mixed methods to investigate the impact of both online and offline child sexual abuse on young people, as well as how professionals address it.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 mins)


Important Update: Information Sharing Guidance for Safeguarding Professionals

In this blog we explore how to share information effectively to prioritise children's well-being. We discuss how legal frameworks like GDPR support responsible information sharing, while also helping you identify signs of abuse, collaborate with relevant authorities, and adhere to key legislation.

We delve into clear principles for ensuring information sharing is necessary, relevant, and secure. The post tackles common myths that can hinder effective communication, providing concise insights and practical tips to empower you in your safeguarding role.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Can referring to an online ‘friend’ pose a safeguarding risk?

Friendships hold significant importance in a child's life, providing them with a sense of belonging, empathy, and support. There's a growing inclination among children to turn to the internet for forging and nurturing friendships. However, the realm of online interaction also exposes them to potential dangers such as grooming and digital abuse.

An analysis of Childline counselling sessions reveals instances where children refer to individuals they've encountered online as friends. Yet, upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that the child possesses limited knowledge about these individuals, and in some instances, they pose a risk to the child.

It's imperative for professionals to maintain a vigilant stance when discussing children's online connections, considering whether the term 'friend' might obscure underlying safeguarding issues.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Child financial exploitation

This article delves into the growing phenomenon of youngsters being groomed via social media and online gaming platforms to partake in illicit activities like money laundering.

An increasing number of minors are falling prey to criminal exploitation enticed by the promise of quick cash. It also sheds light on the fact that children and adolescents often remain oblivious to the risks, leaving them to grapple with the repercussions while perpetrators continue their exploitation.

In tandem, the Home Office has issued directives and a comprehensive strategy addressing money laundering-related financial exploitation targeting both children and vulnerable adults, offering guidance for organisations working within these areas.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)


Know the law- Common assault and battery

Assault isn't just about physical contact—it includes causing someone to fear violence.

The Crown Prosecution service (CPS) defines a Common Assault when a person intentionally or recklessly causes someone to fear that unlawful force is going to be inflicted upon them. This means inciting fear can be considered an assault even if there is no physical contact.

Battery, on the other hand, occurs when someone intentionally or recklessly applies unlawful force to another person. (CPS)

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins


Misuse of apps - AirTag and Stalking

Those that have intent to cause harm will often look to misuse or manipulate devices in order to conduct their activities. Concern lately has been linked to stalkers using AirTags as GPS trackers an increase by 317% over the last year. AirTags—which are designed to help people locate lost or stolen items—allow stalkers to follow their victims’ movements in real time and to undo any attempt on the part of the victim to evade or hide from the stalker.

Victims find these devices hidden in cars, bags, clothing, providing real-time locations and data to perpetrators.Users are advised to keep their iOS devices updated for the latest safety features and to regularly check their belongings for any unfamiliar AirTags. For those concerned about being tracked, it’s important to stay informed about the capabilities of these devices and the measures you can take to protect yourself. Technology should enhance our lives, not compromise our safety.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


Health & Safety


The surprising link between dementia and oral health: Podcast

More than 50 systemic health conditions — including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease — are associated with oral disease. The link between systemic and oral conditions is always microbial, inflammatory, or both. So, how can we look after our gums to improve our health?

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


Challenging racial discrimination in the workplace

All employers should take steps to try to make sure race discrimination does not happen at work.

As an employer, you should:

·        aim for a culture where everyone accepts that race discrimination is not acceptable

·        recognise and promote the benefits of a diverse and inclusive organisation that does not exclude anyone because of race

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


Advice on Scams

Scams can be difficult to recognise, but there are things you can look out for. It might be a scam if:

·        it seems too good to be true – for example, a holiday that’s much cheaper than you’d expect 

·        someone you don’t know contacts you unexpectedly

·        you suspect you’re not dealing with a real company – for example, if there’s no postal address

·        you’ve been asked to transfer money quickly

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


Child mental health

Mental health is as important to a child's safety and wellbeing as their physical health. It can impact on all aspects of their life, including their educational attainment, relationships and physical wellbeing. Mental health can also change over time, to varying degrees of seriousness, and for different reasons.

And we know it's an important issue for children. Over half of all Childline counselling sessions in 2022/23 related to mental or emotional health and wellbeing. 

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)

Wider Curriculum

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and relationships. It involves being aware of emotions in oneself and others and using this awareness to guide thinking and behaviour. Emotionally intelligent individuals can motivate themselves, read social cues, and build strong relationships

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)



Resilience is the psychological quality that allows some people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back at least as strong as before. Rather than letting difficulties, traumatic events, or failure overcome them and drain their resolve, highly resilient people find a way to change course, emotionally heal, and continue moving toward their goals.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


Mind Maps- Note Taking Method

Mind maps, also known as concept maps or spider diagrams, help you to get ideas down on paper when you can't think where to start. They help you see connections and provide an overview of key points. The basic principle is to note down the central topic or idea in the centre and work outwards adding the points which flow from and connect to it.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


8 types of learning styles (with tips and benefits)

There are many ways to learn at work and school, so understanding those styles can help when starting a new class or taking on a new position. Adopting various styles can also help when trying to understand how others learn in the same environments. Knowing which style works best is essential to learning new information more effectively. In this article, we review various learning styles, their benefits, why it's important to understand them and how to use them.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)




Premier League clubs praised for climate progress

Top-flight English football clubs have been praised as more active than ever on sustainability measures, but critics say there remains a "lack of moral leadership" from the Premier League itself.

A new report from Sport Positive Leagues has moved away from previous ‘league tables' largely because of the progress made on clubs' environmental impact.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)


How to Encourage Better Recycling in Your Workplace

Did you know that in 2021, recycling in England actually decreased compared to the previous year? The world seems to be waking up to the importance of sustainability, but clearly, there’s still room for improvement!

However, it’s not too late to relearn our good recycling habits and push for better waste management, including in the workplace. If you want your staff to get better at sorting the rubbish from the recycling and become a more eco-friendly workplace, here are the tips you need.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)


How we’re supporting practitioners to embed sustainability into early years

Given the urgency of the climate change issue and the need for a nationwide and cross-generational approach, the teaching and practicing of sustainability must start as soon as learning begins, with early childhood.  

Children need to be aware of how they are interconnected within a wider ecological context, and that actions have an impact. They must not be framed as “saviours” of the planet, but rather as being a vital part of a wider picture. Research shows that fundamental values and attitudes are formed at this time, so it’s important to lay the foundations then. Early years settings are primed for educating children on sustainability and there are several easy steps that can be taken to promote awareness and create lifelong habits.

 (Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 min)


An Idiot’s guide to change the world- Nursing Nature: Podcast (Episode 6)

Protecting life on land means protecting ourselves. Natural ecosystems are the best technology to help feed populations, cool the planet, provide fresh water and clean the air we breathe. But our biodiversity is under severe threat. Globally, over 1.2 million plant and animal species are predicted to face extinction in the coming decades. Experts now believe we’re in the midst of a ‘sixth mass extinction’, the first in Earth’s history to be driven primarily by human activity.

(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 min)




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