"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
Events this week:
March 25th- FND Awareness Day 2024
March 17th- National Theatre Day 2024
March 28th- National Wear a Hat Day 2024
March 29th- Good Friday 2024
March 30th- World Bipolar Day 2024
March 31th- Easter Sunday 2024
Legislation/Regulation of the week
New employment legislation to come into effect on 6 April 2024
The Act makes provision for unpaid leave for employees with caring responsibilities. This leave is a day-one right, available to all employees without any qualifying period. It applies to anyone caring for a spouse, civil partner, child, parent or other dependant who needs care because of a disability, old age or any illness or injury likely to require at least three months’ care. This leave is unpaid. The maximum duration of the leave is one week per year. While employers can’t deny an employee’s request for carer’s leave, they can postpone it if they reasonably consider that the operation of the business would be unduly disrupted if it were approved.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)
Please remember to review this in your policy/legislation review workbook)
Videos of the week
Inside our autistic minds
Chris meets Anton, a teaching assistant and trance DJ with a deep love of Middlesbrough FC, and Ethan, a 19-year-old student and aspiring rapper from Essex. He helps them make films to reveal to their friends and classmates how Anton feels about change and Ethan about hypersensitivity to noise. Chris also meets Dr Luke Beardon, an expert in autistic hypersensitivity, and Dr Punit Shah, who helps him to understand both Anton’s restrictive and repetitive behaviours and Chris's own need for order in his life.
(Watching this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 mins)
Event of the week/month
Easter Sunday
Easter is one of the central holidays, or Holy Days, of Christianity. It honours the Resurrection of Jesus three days after His death by crucifixion. For many Christian churches, Easter is the joyful conclusion to the Lenten season of devoted prayer, fasting, and penitence. Along with the Nativity of Christ, Easter is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar. It is when Christians glorify and give thanks for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. After His crucifixion, death, and burial, Christ rose from the grave three days later. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin.
(This can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
Safeguarding & ED & I
Child Neglect: Statistics
It’s difficult to measure exactly how many children in the UK experience neglect. However, research with 2,275 young people aged 11-17 about their experiences of neglect suggests around 1 in 10 children in the UK have been neglected. Adults in a child or young person’s life may not recognise the signs of neglect and the child may be too young, too scared or feel ashamed to tell anyone what is happening to them.
The data tell us:
· Neglect is the most common form of abuse
· 1 in 10 children in the UK have been neglected
· Concerns around neglect have been identified for around half of children who are the subject of a child protection plan or on a child protection register in the UK.
· The number of police recorded child cruelty offences is increasing.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)
Protection of children online: Research
This research explores children’s experiences of harm online, including the pathways to harm, its impact and the use of and perceptions towards online protections.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
How Facebook Messenger and Meta Pay are used to buy child sexual abuse material
Court documents and interviews detail the products’ role in alleged exploitation – and how some payments go undetected. Through reviewing documents and interviewing former Meta content moderators, a Guardian investigation has found that payments for child sexual abuse content taking place on Meta Pay are probably going undetected, and unreported, by the company.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
Children tricked into opening criminal bank accounts
We might not immediately think of children when we hear the words ‘financial fraud.’ But the reality is that more and more young people are finding themselves the victims of child financial exploitation. Being groomed online to open bank accounts and launder criminal money.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
Modern Slavery- Spot the Signs
Modern slavery is in plain sight in the UK, but we often don’t realise it is there. We take a look at some of the areas that may indicate someone is a victim – accommodation, working conditions, appearance and behaviours.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)
Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people
This non-statutory advice aims to support designated safeguarding leads (or equivalents) and senior leadership teams in education settings in England in responding effectively to incidents involving the sharing of nudes and semi-nudes.
It includes guidance on:
· risk assessing incidents
· safeguarding and supporting children and young people
· handling devices and imagery
· recording incidents, including the role of other agencies
· providing education on the sharing of nudes and semi-nudes
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)
Health & Safety
St John’s Ambulance- Online Courses
Anyone can sign-up to use our online learning platform that hosts free e-learning modules. The platform is also used for the online learning part of our blended courses. The Online Learning Space is an area on our eLearning Platform that individuals can register to access. It is a free resource to help aid your skill retention through short interactive modules, mini courses and activities.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 40 mins)
Are e-cigarettes a safe way to quit smoking?
Unlike regular cigarettes, which burn tobacco and produce a cocktail of harmful chemicals, e-cigarettes (vape devices) work by heating up a liquid nicotine solution. This means users are not exposed to carbon monoxide or tar, two of the deadliest components of tobacco smoke. The devices are billed as a safer way for smokers to manage their cravings. However, there is a lot of confusion in the air about whether the marketing claims are true. Many news articles on the subject seem designed to inspire mistrust, while the e-cigarettes company JUUL has been hit with several lawsuits. According to one claimant, vaping left her teenage son "heavily addicted to nicotine ... anxious, highly irritable and prone to angry outbursts".
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)
Bosses urged to help neurodiverse workers thrive
Bosses must demonstrate commitment to building positive cultures that enable neurodiverse colleagues to discuss needs openly. The call has come from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) in a new white paper. It follows survey findings that highlight how people are unwilling to speak about neurodiversity at work. According to an online poll, done in late 2023, 70 per cent of neurodiverse people said they hadn’t told their current employer about their condition. Meanwhile, 50 per cent of people said they wouldn’t declare it on a job application. IOSH believes neurodiverse people add value to workplaces but is concerned that not enough is being done to encourage people to be open about conditions they have, including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)
Mental health: From breakdown to award-winning psychiatrist
Eighteen years ago, Prof Ahmed Hankir was homeless and in the grip of a mental health crisis. Today he is an award-winning psychiatrist working in Ontario, Canada. His prestigious roles in the UK include honorary visiting professor at Cardiff Medical School. By sharing his personal experience of living with a mental health condition and professional viewpoint, he now has thousands of social media followers. "There's a solace in shared experience," he said. "If you share, you can make other people feel less alone and less disconnected and less ashamed."
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
Wider Curriculum
Three ways to prevent diabetes with Professor Naveed Sattar
In today’s episode, we’re talking about a disease so widespread that it touches nearly every family in some way: type 2 diabetes. It’s not just a health issue, it's a rapidly expanding crisis. And many people don’t know that they have it.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 60 mins)
The secrets of good sleep: Video
We all know how good it feels to drift into deep sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. The positive effects of a good night’s sleep affect every aspect of our lives. We feel energetic, focused, and ready to take on the day’s challenges. But the long-term effects of bad sleep are less known. It turns out, they have a huge impact on our health and even how long we live.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 50 mins)
How NOT to ruin your apprenticeship
For many, the next step after leaving school, college, or university is an apprenticeship. Continuing down the education system isn’t the right path for everyone. But for some, they forget an apprenticeship also requires working in a professional environment and VERY different from education. So, if you are looking to complete and not ruin your apprenticeship, we can help. This blog will give you tips on how to impress, what NOT to do and even a true scary story.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
‘As a social worker I was made to feel shame for my bipolar diagnosis’
Sophie Ayers faced stigma from fellow social workers after being open about her bipolar diagnosis. But having left the job, she urges practitioners to remember those they support are not 'cases', but people just like them.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 30 mins)
The True Cost: Modern Slavery in the Fashion Industry- Documentary
This is a story about clothing. It's about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost is a ground-breaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 90 mins)
The People’s Planet
We all know that being outside, surrounding ourselves with nature, and taking in fresh air are all good things for our minds and bodies. Access to green, open spaces is important for everyone, and shouldn’t be for a privileged few. However, all over the planet, vast amounts of land are owned and controlled by a very small number of people, which can have harmful effects on nature, climate and communities. This blog will explore a few examples of the inequalities, and identify alternative models of land ownership – many of which go back thousands of years.
In many indigenous cultures, land is not something to be owned by individuals as private property, but is a living, breathing being that we all have a collective right to enjoy and responsibility to nurture. For thousands of years Indigenous Peoples have nurtured and cared for the earth as a source of life, spirituality and joy, yet their voices and knowledge are often left out of the conversation around conservation.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 mins)
Deborah Meaden warns time running out to act on climate: Video
People calling for climate action, like Dragons' Den star Deborah Meaden, have been branded as alarmists. Meaden has publicly faced down critics on online platforms like X (formerly called Twitter) when accused of exaggerating climate change. Despite the hostility her public stance generates, it is an issue she is passionate about. "The climate change problem is here and now," Meaden told the BBC at a recent event. People are increasingly waking up to the idea and this has big implications for businesses, she says.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 20 min)
An Idiot’s guide to change the world- Are we consuming too much?: Podcast (Episode 2)
Gail Gallie and Loyiso Madinga look at Global Goal 12 and ask what it means to consume “responsibly”. They speak with Johan Rockström, one of the foremost experts on sustainable consumption and production systems. They are also joined by changemaker Melati Wijsen, who together with her sister at ages 12 and 10, successfully banned plastic bags in their home country Bali.
(Reading this can be counted towards your 20% off the Job learning – Approx. 50 min)