The introduction of the new Level 4 Adult Care apprenticeship standard is a welcome surprise to those in the adult care sector. There has always been a gap between the Level 3 and Level 5 apprenticeships that has meant some adult care workers fell through the gap. Quest can now officially offer this fantastic new apprenticeship standard to all our employers and apprentices!
Who can undertake the Level 4 Lead Practitioner in Adult Care?
This apprenticeship standard is unique as it includes a wide variety of job positions within the adult care sector. As well as incorporating those who are Lead Practitioners in adult care, the apprenticeship incorporates those who are Lead Personal Assistants. Examples of other job roles that are suitable for the apprenticeship include:
Dementia Lead
Re-ablement Worker
Physiotherapy Assistant
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Public Health Associate Worker
Keeping in Contact Worker
Community Care/Support Officer
Social Care Assessor
Care Assessment Officer
Social Services Officer
Brokerage Worker
Rehabilitation and Reablement Assistant
Independence Support Assistant
Reablement Support Workers/Officer
Telecare Assistant and Assistive Technology Co-ordinator/Officer
Lead Practitioner in Adult Care does contains a qualification: the Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care. This will involve teaching and assessments delivered in the workplace and remotely. When the qualification is completed the apprentice will also receive a qualification certificate from the awarding body.
End-Point Assessment
The introduction of the End-Point Assessment gives apprentices a final assessment when all learning and teaching has completed. An external assessor completes an observation of leadership in the setting, and also a professional discussion to test the knowledge, behaviours and skills the apprentice has developed through out their apprenticeship.
The duration of the learning time during the apprenticeship is a minimum of 18 months (if the apprentice is on a full-time contract), with an extra 3 months for the End-Point Assessment. The addition of the extra time is to allow the apprentice time to prepare for and undertake the End-Point Assessment.
With the addition of the End-Point Assessment, the new standard gives the apprentice the chance to achieve a graded outcome depending on their final mark. This gives a real edge to the apprenticeship, showcasing those apprentices who give extra and rewarding them with a Pass, Merit or Distinction.
If you are interested in this apprenticeship, or wish to find out more details about it please do call us on 01474 704441 or email us at info@questfortraining.com.