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Level 5 Early Years Lead Practitioner

The Level 5 Lead Early Years Practitioner is designed for apprentices working in a range of settings which can include day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools, pre-schools, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision.

 Activities Covered 

  • Promote the health and well-being of all children

  • Participate in and lead daily routines

  • To be an effective key person

  • To take the lead and provide support in disseminating best practice

  • Promote, demonstrate and facilitate a clear understanding of diversity and equality

  • Ensure full compliance with all safeguarding legislation

  • Demonstrate leaderful practice

  • To lead and manage across the area, aspect or environment for which they are
    responsible for.

 Included Units 

As part of this qualification you will be required to the NCFE CACHE Level 5 Diploma  for the Early Years Senior Practitioner undertaking a variety of 23 units across the
following four themes:

1, Health and Wellbeing
2. Legislation, frameworks and professional practice
3. Play, development and learning for school readiness
4. Professional development

 Learning Hours 

The approximate learning duration is 24 months, with 5 months at the end to complete the
EndPoint Assessment.

There is an average of 6 hours per week off-the-job learning, within the minimum requirement to complete 20% off-the-job training during working hours.

 Apprenticeship Delivery 

For those undertaking an apprenticeship route, the additional components including occupation duties, knowledge, skills and behaviours will be delivered alongside the core qualification.

Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

Quest Training
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